Customer Testimonials

People should love this fresh blood in photography.Rupanjan Roychowdhury
In my opinion, Amar Banerjee has mastered the art of capturing the 'right moment' for any event through his lens. It requires lots of practice. He is instinctive which helps him foresee and wait for the oppotune moment. Also, playing with light is the hallmark of his photography. Hope to see more creative stuff from Atlantis Abhijit Banerjee
The lengths he would go to, to get that perfect shot is a rare find.Atlantis photography is one who goes above and beyond to get that perfectly unique shot.His skills and professionalism were matched only by his fun personality to be around on any occasion.If you want the best photographs to remember your special day, this man is the photographer for you. I absolutely like the work. Samim Aktar
Thrilled to view our gorgeous pictures. You have captured every moments. Amazing job done. Wish you success in all your future endeavours. Thanks.Ujjal Sengupta
If you want creativity in your photo. You must go with it. I had a amazing experience.Sumana Debnath
Atlantis photography has a superb team. I am surprised by their magical work. I will surely recommend him for wedding photography and other occasions.Ramanuj Kayal